Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hi friends and supporters.

This week, I (Michael Wang) would like to share a little about myself.

Born: New York
Age: 29
Occupation: Physical Therapist, Crossfit/Fitness Instructor
Hobbies: Rock Climbing, Guitar, Reading

This is my second time going to East Asia and I'm very excited to find out what God may do to my spirit again. The last trip was very instrumental in preparing me for my mother's struggle with cancer and death. I was able to have a renewed relationship with God and a renewed relationship with my mother. Without God's intervention in my life, there would have been no way for me to experience so much Joy in the situation.

Two weeks ago our team had a retreat where every member shared their testimony. The best way to know me better would be to watch it. Enjoy.

Thank you for your support and taking the time to get to know me.
Please support me with the following link