Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 5

Earth Plants and Fruit

The importance of giving children an objective and really help stimulate their minds. Slime was the highlight of today’s activities. We made slime out of glue and liquid starch. At first it was just this lump of white dough on their tables but soon it became long noodles and then they ended up covered in spider webs.

The younger kids made an even bigger mess but the teachers never seem to mind. Actually the staff seems to enjoy it more when there is a mess. They really have good hearts and there is so much to learn from them.

Day 6

Last day for LY

Day is the last day we have with the children in the LY location, which is sad.

During devotion I shared about my experiences of dealing with my mother’s battle with cancer and her death. It’s still impossible to share without tearing up but I wanted them to know how God had been good to me throughout. How only through realizing my role as a x was I able to deepen my relationship with my mom. Also, how experiencing her death is teaching me to trust g which is deepening my relationship in God.

Although caring for the children can be pretty tiring, its really rewarding to see children’s faces light up with the activities. On the last day we just had a big animal party with face panting, fishing in balloons and tossing sock puppets filled with rice The kids really just wanted to play with the balloons all day but that’s alright.

I’m learning it’s so important to be flexible and creative with children and how it doesn’t matter if the activity is perfect. The only thing that really matters is that the children are stimulated and have fun.

Our last meal with the staff was a pizza party. Although we are so culturally different, there will always be one thing everyone has in common. We all like pizza.

Day 7

East Asia Team 2 is back in full force! It so exciting to hear about everyone’s experiences and how our team got close with the children they cared for.

During devotion David had a message for us. He shared with us how God calls us to trust in others whole-heartedly. How his first impression of people can prevent him from trusting which limits his relationships. How can we love people without trust?

Matt also said something that really moved me. He told one of his mentors that something he sought after was to have pure intentions. His mentor told him that our intentions would never be completely pure because we have sin. This was a life altering statement for him because this means we can’t achieve this perfection. All we need to do is accept this gift of grace and know that we are saved and clean through the death of Jesus Christ. If we strive for perfection or pure intentions ourselves, we will never be satisfied.

The children were a blast today and it was especially wonderful for me to see the growth in children I met a year ago. One orphan I cared for last year with cataracts created a dance that she performs whenever the class sings. It was so touching.

Also, many teachers I met remembered me and are already planning to see me next year. Haha.

I can tell our whole team had changed with our time with FH so please p for us to meditate and grow in this experience.

– Michael Wang

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 4

Imagine being able to have devotion in the morning before each day of work in community with coworkers. There’s a song, a verse, followed by discussion or sharing of testimony. It’s pretty awesome.

The children in the older class are a lot more intuitive than I have been giving them credit for. They understand when we ask who made the sky, what day the sky was made and such. Actually, the children know have been trained a lot in life skills. They are able to mop the floor, wipe down tables and chairs and put away toys and furniture. They’re actually better at cleaning than most of the team! (Well, just speaking for myself)

Today was really great for the kids though. The theme was the creation of the sky. We played human “Hungry Hungry Hippos” with balls being snow/rain/hail?, created clounds, and made bubbles.

The staff is so appreciative of our games and told us that our curriculum really stimulates all of the children’s senses.

Please pray for my Josh, our locally born American translator, who’s coming down with something, and Brad who’s had to use some Cipro.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Hello dear friends! We have arrived safely in country after a worldwind 30 hours of traveling! The organization we are partnering with are amazing, I am in awe of of the work they do And the heart they have for these children. Today was out first day with the children- there are no words to describe how beautiful they are! We worked in two separate classrooms singing songs, teaching stories, and creating fun activities. My absolute favorite moments of the days were when the kids felt comfortable enough to throw their arms around whatever body part of me was closest to them for a real hug :). Such love and sweet hearts these children possess! I also loved creating a tent out of a sheet and letting all the kids lay under it to try and "catch the stars" aka flashlight beams. They were so excited and could not stop giggling! I love seeing their delight in doing new things! It was also such a beautiful thing to hear from the careworkers who do this job all year even though it is not viewed well within their culture. I am so in encouraged by their faith and they show me more of what it looks like to walk a life in the service of those less fortunate. It was a great start to the week and I know tomorrow will hold even more for us! Thank you for your support and thoughts! We rely on you- if you could please keep our team leader David in your "thoughts" he has lost his voice and this is extremely hard for him as we wants to be able to really interact with the kids.
Love, Carly

Ashley Dinkel

Day 1
Hi everyone. Yesterday we landed after a day of traveling. First we flew to the west coast (4 hours) then had a lay over (4 hours) then flew to east Asia (12 hours) then had a lay over (6 hours) then flew to our final destination (3 hrs). 29 hours!!! The feeling of leaving on a Thursday and landing on a Saturday was bizarre.

Needless to say, we were tired but since it was the morning (9am), we spent the day touring the area and got to experience the local culture. We walked around a historical island, got to eat local foods, and felt the local weather (Hot and Humid!).

Day 2
Today we got a tour of the facility and listened to a presentation of how the orphanage operates and learned how the special needs program (aka FH) started.

Jn 8;22 “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Kirk and Matt shared a few things with us first about cultural differences.

They told us that as Americans, our individualistic culture greatly affects our view of communal cultures. We are challenged to not let our cultural biases shape our impression of the country or people. Is there anything wrong with eating dog or horse?

As we experience cultural differences, it’s important that we see the truths and the lies and let that be our guide. We are also challenged to build relationship with people here.

“FH’s goal is not to take care of children but to build a team to love each other. “

So please p for us to build relationships and hear the stories of the teachers and staff who work tirelessly but joyfully with FH.

Day 3
Today our team of 9 is now a team of 5. L

You are hearing from the LY orphanage, which is about 2 hours north of XM in the mountains. 10 years ago the same trip took 8 hrs because the tunnels weren’t built. We are glad the tunnels were built!

We start every morning with devotion with a song and a p. Peter shared his testimony with us, which was amazing. 20 years ago he read a “dangerous” book about “is there a g” and felt moved. He typically reads philosophy and felt this book he was reading just made sense and gave meaning to his life. He shared how growing in faith is a gradual process and that for the past 20 years g has continually moved in his heart.

He also shared how meeting as a community has played a key role in his growth. Also the size of their community continues to multiply and split every year. The organic growth and fellowship is something we can learn in the states.

We met all the teachers and the children today. The children are just like any. They love arts and crafts, volleyball, hide and seek, and GLOW STICKS! You know you want a glow stick.

Anyways, I’m amazed at how responsible the kids are. They have been taught to mop, clean the toilets, wipe tables, and take out trash. They also have good table manners. We can’t wait for tomorrow!

- Michael Wang