Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 1
Hi everyone. Yesterday we landed after a day of traveling. First we flew to the west coast (4 hours) then had a lay over (4 hours) then flew to east Asia (12 hours) then had a lay over (6 hours) then flew to our final destination (3 hrs). 29 hours!!! The feeling of leaving on a Thursday and landing on a Saturday was bizarre.

Needless to say, we were tired but since it was the morning (9am), we spent the day touring the area and got to experience the local culture. We walked around a historical island, got to eat local foods, and felt the local weather (Hot and Humid!).

Day 2
Today we got a tour of the facility and listened to a presentation of how the orphanage operates and learned how the special needs program (aka FH) started.

Jn 8;22 “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Kirk and Matt shared a few things with us first about cultural differences.

They told us that as Americans, our individualistic culture greatly affects our view of communal cultures. We are challenged to not let our cultural biases shape our impression of the country or people. Is there anything wrong with eating dog or horse?

As we experience cultural differences, it’s important that we see the truths and the lies and let that be our guide. We are also challenged to build relationship with people here.

“FH’s goal is not to take care of children but to build a team to love each other. “

So please p for us to build relationships and hear the stories of the teachers and staff who work tirelessly but joyfully with FH.

Day 3
Today our team of 9 is now a team of 5. L

You are hearing from the LY orphanage, which is about 2 hours north of XM in the mountains. 10 years ago the same trip took 8 hrs because the tunnels weren’t built. We are glad the tunnels were built!

We start every morning with devotion with a song and a p. Peter shared his testimony with us, which was amazing. 20 years ago he read a “dangerous” book about “is there a g” and felt moved. He typically reads philosophy and felt this book he was reading just made sense and gave meaning to his life. He shared how growing in faith is a gradual process and that for the past 20 years g has continually moved in his heart.

He also shared how meeting as a community has played a key role in his growth. Also the size of their community continues to multiply and split every year. The organic growth and fellowship is something we can learn in the states.

We met all the teachers and the children today. The children are just like any. They love arts and crafts, volleyball, hide and seek, and GLOW STICKS! You know you want a glow stick.

Anyways, I’m amazed at how responsible the kids are. They have been taught to mop, clean the toilets, wipe tables, and take out trash. They also have good table manners. We can’t wait for tomorrow!

- Michael Wang

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